Saturday, October 12, 2013

One Piece 724: Law's Strategy

Shounen Jump Issue Cover: 
     The characters in the cover are mostly the Mugiwaras. Brook and Franky are somewhat kinda small there compare to their size. And there's a heart between Zoro and Sanji. Ussop looked like he was talking to someone over a den den mushi (I'm not so sure though). Nami seems to be falling from wonderland or perhaps Skypiea with the signature pose of Marilyn Monroe. While Robin is kinda like pole dancing somewhere. Chopper seems to be having nightmares back in Thriller Bark. And Luffy, I don't even get what he's doing. It kinda looked like he was fixing his tie for a party which I wasn't invited. 

Color coverpage:
     Oda's kinda not through with the Fishman Island. The colorpage reminds me of Shirahoshi and Hody. And aside from the Mugiwaras all over the page, Keimi and Pappug are present. I can see ex-shichibukai Jinbei having tea party. The pervert duo Sanji and Brook are having their great time. LuZo shippers would surely be happy too coz' it seems to me that Luffy is having a great time above Zoro. 

Chapter Review: 
     For Sanji fans, the long-awaited shining moment for their idol: Sanji is coming to town. Using diable jambe against (DD) Donquixote Doflamingo's Ito-ito fruit (String-String fruit), he was trying to protect Nami, Brook and Chopper who were now crying. But of course, we know that he can't match DD's strength yet. He was sent down to the Sunny. Knowing Sanji, he didn't give up just yet, he went back fighting DD in which DD commented "not that bad". But clever DD as he is, used his DF power to stuck Sanji in mid-air. Seen from below, Jola who was captured commented "no one can get away with young master's spider web". The crew were shouting to Sanji to run. And Sanji responded to use the coup de burst. 
     Just before DD is going to whip Sanji, Law used shambles and room to transport himself and (CC) Cesar Clown in exchange of DD's place. And because of that, the whip was attacked back to one of dressrosa's tower. Meanwhile, Sanji and Law with CC were back to Sunny. Jola had a reunion with her crewmate CC and they shared their misfortune of being captured. 
     DD made a mistake for letting his guard down. So he hurriedly flew back in which Chopper was shouting for warning. Law asked Sanji about their factory destruction and Momonosuke asking the whereabouts of his father and friends. Law thought that their plan needs more time. 
     CC mentioned about his heart too. Law was silly enough to keep CC's heart in his chest while his heart was kept in the Sunny all along. He gave CC's heart back and told the rest of the Mugiwaras to head to Zou where the Heart Pirates are. 
     Law reminded Nami about the vivre card and Brook asked about what will happen to Luffy and others. Law assured them that the rest will follow to Zou after the destruction of factory to which Nami interjected that they won't sail not until their captain is there. 
    While the arguments are heating up, a battleship of the marines flew out of nowhere and DD is approaching, both to the Sunny. Law seemed to understand the point of Nami so he said "you can stay as long as you won't handover CC no matter what happens" while unsheathing his sword. 
    In the battleship, a certain high-ranking marine shouts "fire" and cannons were shot to the Sunny and while looking up, Chopper observed something from the skies. Meteors were falling down and Law used room to protect the Sunny. 
     Fear and impending doom in their eyes, Nami and Chopper declared "the CURLYHAT/SPIRALHAT pirates are setting sail" (note the pun there: Sanji (curly/spiral) as their temporary captain but still they are Mugiwaras due to the use of "HAT"). 
     Sanji being clever seemed to smell something bad about their alliance and reminded Law that their main goal is to take down Kaidou. He observed that it seemed like Law is concentrating much on Dressrosa specifically DD. 
     A meteor is almost coming to the Sunny and Law used tact and the meteor made a hit to the battleship. The marines were in chaos and asked Isshou (fujitora-admiral) what they'll do next. The admiral admitted his miscalculation and while eating ramen told his underlings to head back to Dressrosa. DD is fast-approaching using the whip to hit the Sunny. 
     Law was fast enough to hold the attack and told Sanji to go to a place where there are no clouds. DD's Ito Ito No Mi casts strings to the clouds for him to travel the skies. 
     Chopper used the coup de burst while Law is using Jola as bait against DD. Amazingly, DD loves his crew that he can't put up a fight that would harm any of them. 
     The Sunny went away and left DD and Law in the bridge that connects Green Bit from Dressrosa. DD asked Law "what's the use of letting the other Mugiwaras to escape when there are still other left in Dressrosa?". He further stated that "I can use them as hostages in exchange of CC". 
     Law replied "Are you one of those countless many that underestimated them?". "My alliance with the Mugiwaras ends here". "I only wanted to use them to stop the smile production". "I would love to see the chaos that would happen after Kaidou would kill you to death," "but, putting an end to what happened 13 years ago comes first." Law's real plans are soon to be revealed.

source: and

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